In September 2021 I wrote this blog post: Beach Adventures - Fort Myers Beach (adventuresbydani.com) I shared our annual Labor Day adventures to Fort Myers Beach. We went again in 2022 and it was just as magical, maybe even more so because we found a house we absolutely fell in love with, the owners we really seemed to connect with and even the dog seemed more relaxed!

Ft Myers was home to some pretty dark times for me, it was home to some very serious endings but also home to some great beginnings and some beautiful memories. Tamy and I have been going at least once a year for many years. We used to bring Hooper and now we bring Brody, we used to stay in hotels but now we rent houses and for the last two years we have brought Erinn along for the adventure which has been absolutely amazing. It is hard now to know so much of Ft Myers and Sanibel Island are destroyed. It's hard to think that after just being there a month ago places we ate and shopped and laughed and took silly pictures may not be there anymore. My heart is broken. It's broken for the people, the businesses, and for all the memories we won't be able to make for a while.
We know we will visit again; we know we will help where we can, and we know Ft Myers and Sanibel will come back strong. My prayers are with the place that gave me so much joy. Held so many memories, saw me at my best and my worst and gave us a safe haven each year for a long weekend.
I know it's easy to be away from all the destruction and be bummed out about cancelled plans and inconveniences this hurricane brought; but I urge you to remember that some places were not so lucky as to just endure inconveniences, for Ft Myers and Sanibel Island the road to recovery will be long - at the time I write this they don't even know when power will be restored - lives have been lost - businesses lost - rebuilding will be a long and expensive process and not everyone will be able to come back. Please have compassion, please be grateful for all you do have and the opportunity to go back to normal in a few days.