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New Year, New Adventures!

Writer's picture: DaniDani

Happy New Year! Right now we are all in various states of settling into the new year, some of us have Christmas down already, some of us are back at work already and many of us are setting up our goals and plans for the year. Probably all of us are sick of the never ending commercials and emails we've been getting about "New Year, New You" and all the new diet programs we need to start. Here's the thing, I said it last year but I think it's worth repeating - it's a new year but I like me the way I am so I'm not looking to change into someone else and neither should you! But that is not to say we are not going to go on new adventures this year, try new things, take better care of ourselves and have a hell of a lot of fun along the way!

We said goodbye to 2021 with friends, walking through Winter Garden, eating yummy food, window shopping, drinking good beer. We were home, in pajamas, eating pizza by 7PM and were tucked into bed by 10PM. We haven't stayed up till midnight for several years and that is perfectly ok with us. As Tamy likes to say, the year is still new when the sun comes up. And she is so right! We look at it as why start the day off tired and hung over when we get start the first day of the new year bright eyed and ready for adventure.

Back in 2020 we kicked off the year with a lunch at Jaleo by Jose Andres. We were blown away by the meal, service, cocktails and just overall experience. 2021 found Jaleo still closed but here in 2022 we headed back hoping that lightening would strike twice and we were so pleased to find that it did. The food was amazing, the cocktails so delightful, the service top-notch and just spending a leisurely meal discussing our favorite parts of the previous year and all the things we want to do in the year ahead. It's the perfect star to the year.

I have a long list of things I want to do this year, things I want to accomplish; personally, professionally, here on the blog - I'm excited for the year ahead, excited to work towards things that make me happy and are good for me. Here are some of the items on my list for 2022:

  1. Make more time for date days/nights like the one we shared on New Year's Day

  2. Create, create, and create some more! I want to create decorations, scrapbook pages, bullet journal spreads, traveler's notebook projects, shirts, and the list goes on and on.

  3. Try new things - new recipes, new restaurants, new travel destinations.

  4. Travel - Yes we are still in the midst of a pandemic but my wanderlust is kicking into high gear. We head to Vegas later this month which will help but I would love to go on new adventures.

  5. Kick this blog into high gear! More posts, getting Makeup Monday back up and running and sharing more projects, more adventures and more ways to make our lives epic!

How did you start the new year? What goals do you have for you and your family? And what do you hope to see me accomplish this year? I can't wait to go on this 2022 adventure with all of you! Happy New Year!


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